Completing or Closing a Manual Request in your DSAR Inbox.
Closing a Manual Request can be very simple. The most important thing to note about this process is that ID verification must be completed outside of the system.
To close a Manual Request, locate the ACCESS REQUEST menu option. Select Request Submissions.
Once there, locate the Manual Request you wish to complete and select the red Verify ID flag.
At the top of the screen, select the blue Verify ID button.
This will inform you of the current ID Verification status. In order to complete or close a DSAR, you must first change the status to ID Verification Accepted if the data subject properly verified their ID, or ID Verification Not Accepted if the data subject's provided identification didn't match. Once the status has been changed, write a quick note under Activity Note to log why something was completed or close and select SAVE.
Once this is completed, locate the Activities section on the DSAR request page. If ID Verification Not Accepted was selected, you will have the choice to close the DSAR Request by selecting a reason from the drop down menu.
Otherwise, if ID Verification Accepted was selected, you may select Completed from the drop down menu which will move the DSAR Request into the Archived section of the DSAR Inbox.