Updating your password in uRISQ. To update your password, locate the Account option in the menu on the left of your screen. This will automatically lead to your Profile. This is where your relevant account information will be located and can be ...
Updating your email in uRISQ. To update your email, locate the Account option in the menu on the left of your screen. Next, select Profile. This is where your relevant contact information will be located and can be changed based on your preferences. ...
Changing your notification preferences. To update your notification preferences, locate the Account option in the menu on the left of your screen. Next, select Profile. This is where your relevant contact information will be located and can be ...
If you are attempting to assign a user to an access request and the user is not displaying in the User dropdown menu, either the user’s account has not been created or the user has not completed their registration. To resolve this issue, please ...
Logging out of uRISQ. From the menu, locate the Account option. Next, select Sign Out from the menu. Alternatively, select the Profile button located at the top-right of the screen. Select Sign Out from the drop-down.