What do the different flags represent in the DSAR Inbox?
The different flags in the DSAR Inbox.
When checking the DSAR Inbox for any updates or status changes, it is important to note what the different color flags mean under the Time Remaining section of the DSAR inbox. These statuses help inform the administrator if there's an action that needs to be taken, or if the data subject still needs to verify their identification.
Blue Flag - The blue flag denotes that a request for identification has been sent to the data subject. This means that there is no action required from the administrator.
Red Flag - The red flag denotes that there is an action that needs to be taken. An example of this would be verifying an uploaded ID.

Days Countdown - Once an ID has been verified, the countdown will begin for the status of the request to be placed into a completed or closed status.
Blank space on Time Remaining - If a request is still In Progress but there is a blank space under Time Remaining, this means that the data subject falls under a territory that does not have a legally mandated time in which the request must be processed.
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